Wednesday 22 October 2014

Nigeria in Political Danger: A Call For Fervent Prayers

Darkned Map of Nigeria

The vision I saw was a heavily darken map of Nigeria covering a colourful and more prosperous one underneath. The LORD told me it was the evil cloud that covered the country over the past five years. The innocent blood sacrifices of the Boko Haram insurgent through bombing and terrorist attack in Churches and communities in the Northern part of Nigeria rekindled the gross darkness of Satan over the Nation. The fetish hands of political officer holders and seekers combined to aid Satan’s blood bank for the onslaught that is coming over the country.

In the vision, I saw rusty chains from every State of the Federation holding tight to the dark map of Nigeria. Abuja had three chains firmly gripped on the map. Why these three chains, I asked the LORD?  As the seat of administrative governance over the country, I was told, the three chains represented the Presidency, Legislature and Judiciary.  Each arm has blood in its hands! The thick darkness above the country was such that I tried to look down but flashes of light were sparking like thunder storm. I was afraid for Nigeria, but then I saw the prayers of the saints in the Churches and the Angels of God emerging in those States where intensive prayers were going on pushing the dark map skyward. As they pushed the map, silver chains began to emerge in those areas, but the number of silver chains were not as many as the ancient rusty chains that held the country in darkness.
The Angels of God need more prayers from the saints and deliverance of principal demons in order to effectively deliver the country. The Angels of Satan plotted to take out principal trouble-makers of the Kingdom of God, so as to weaken the sheepfold, before their final attack. Their strategy is to keep the Ministers of God, especially, the Generals pre-occupied with trivial issues so that everybody’s attention would be focused on the crisis plaguing their ministries. Cause a deep split in the body of Christ and then take over the country.

Why is Nigeria of particular interest to the Kingdom of Satan? Here is what the LORD told me, Nigeria has been ordained from the beginning to liberate mankind and bring the love and presences of God into the hearts of the Nations of the world. The country is not an accidental creation, but came into being to uphold the tenets of the Almighty God in the face of dwindling interest in the things of God’s Kingdom. Nigeria is a nation of prophets who will take the world into the dispensation of the biblical end time prophecies. In Act 13:1  Now in the church that was at Antioch there were certain prophets and teachers: Barnabas, Simeon who was called Niger, Lucius of Cyrene, Manaen who had been brought up with Herod the tetrarch, and Saul”.  The word Niger.ia  refers to a collection of people brought together for God. The Kingdom of Satan has never been so troubled like it is experiencing now at the hands of Men of God from Nigeria. Apart from the civil war that plagued Nigeria early in its independence in 1960. The amount of innocent blood shed in the country has not been as the one of the last five years by Boko Haram - the Islamic group. 

The Angels of God will surely defeat the evil angels of Satan, but that battle will be bloody and will last almost two years in the realm. The new Nigeria will be stronger and closer to God than ever before because of the fear of another trouble.  The military have to stay off politics and rather harmonize the security apparatus for stability in the polity. The country would not fall into a civil war, but rather a political war caused by three major political players. God Almighty is watching as the events unfold. The battle between light and darkness over Nigeria cannot be averted, but through prayers, the duration can be shortened. Pray and fast for peace in Africa’s biggest nation.

Evangelist Phillips Eteng

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