Monday 27 October 2014

TB. Joshua In The Battle Of The Realms!

Prophet TB Joshua of the Synagogue Church of All Nations
The name TB Joshua has become one of the most talked about in the world today, from China to Brazil and Indonesia to Tonga. While others mention the name with joy and celebrity, others simply hate it with a passion. There are those who write all manner of accusations and finger pointing without substantial evidence to backup their claims. Some may not have known him or initially heard of him, but often times join the bandwagon to criticize.

TB Joshua, the Prophet, whom God anointed and placed as the general overseer of the Synagogue Church of All Nations (SCOAN) located in Lagos, Nigeria, is truly a controversial figure in Christianity. His controversy is not because of any other thing but the way and style of conducting deliverance on members of his church. While the norm for most preachers of Jesus gospel is to stand and stretch a hand at the afflicted person, TB Joshua moves a like a maverick. Everything associated with him is unconventional…this the modern church leaders cannot come to terms with. Jesus Christ was unconventional and the church leaders of his time persecuted him until the final cruxification.

My reaction is to a statement made by an eye witness of the September 12 guest house demolition at the Synagogue  Church by the forces of darkness. The fireman, Mr Adebayo, refuted the insinuation by TB Joshua that a bomb might have levelled the five story complex after a military transporter plane circled the building more than four times. He concluded that if the “bombed” theory was to hold water, the dead bodies they recovered from the building would not have been intact. And the number of survivals would not have been as many as was recorded. He had served the Nigerian Fire Service for 34 years.

The bible says spiritual things to the physical man are foolishness, but to the spiritual man is reality. The physical world is controlled by the spiritual world and assessment of physical events without seeking divine help is suicidal, especially, where God is involved in the matter. Mr Adebayo is using his sense knowledge evaluation of the physical reality of what he saw at SCOAN collapse building site. He should not be conclusive without going through the youtube archives of Emmanuel TV testimonies of an Accountant with the United Nations, whose car remained unscratched despite the destructions of other cars in the parking lot  of the UN building in Abuja, Nigeria after it was bombed by Boko Haram. Or is it the testimony of the Police DPO in the Northern part of Nigeria whose office remained intact after the insurgents bombed and reduced the police station into rubbles. He was arrested and detained because the police headquarters believed he had something to do with the bombing, until God vindicated him. All of these people had placed either TB Joshua stickers in their cars or offices. Why then did these anointed stickers not saved all those who were in the building, you may ask? God said I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion on. Although TB Joshua had a foreknowledge of the looming calamity, God hide the exact spot to him, so that he will pray the more. If he knew the exact spot of attack, he will not have allowed any human being to stay anywhere near that building. His antecedent shows a man that value human life.

Before this life changing incident, exactly on the 27th of July 2014, Tb Joshua spoke to his congregation a week after returning from a major crusade in Colombia, South America. He spoke in parables as he usually does, for those who watches his television channel Emmanuel TV know that’s his style. In that parable he said he was suppose to travel to another country for another crusade after Colombia, but God told him to return to Nigeria as there was a thick dark cloud over the nation. The cloud he stated meant trouble! He went on to say that all the good happenings at the Synagogue is never reported by the mainstream media, but should they hear that a bomb has gone off at his Church premises, even CNN will carry it as breaking news. But they will never report the healing and deliverance of demon possessed people and those who are gravely sick. He concluded by saying that the trouble is not far but close to his mouth. Nevertheless, he promised to stay in the country until the evil cloud disperses. His prayer was Father, let your will be done.  Exactly on September 12th 2014, a day after the marking of the September 11th New York twin tower incident, a military Hercules C130 plane circled the sky above the annex of the Synagogue Church complex where a five story building housing South Africans and other foreign pilgrims collapse like a pack of cards. The security camera footage showed an over whelming similarities to controlled demolished buildings. Who orchestrated this life changing incident and why did the C130 military plane choose that particular day to circle the airspace above the annex area of the Church?     

The truth of the whole incident will be revealed soon and the mountain of lies leveled. In the revelation of the impending attack, TB Joshua said, he saw a thick dark cloud hovering over Nigeria in far away Colombia. The cloud was actually above the Synagogue Church of All Nations (SCOAN) in Lagos. This cloud was the giant Hercules C130 military plane that was flying in the airspace of the Church. The headlines that filled all the Nigerian and foreign media organizations is an attestation of the bad news that make news where his church is concerned. The Lagos State instituted inquest into the building collapse is the final patch of the evil cloud that will be dispersed into oblivion.  The judge of the inquest has insisted that TB Joshua must appear to give evidence on the 5th of November, 2014 despite the Church lawyer’s pleading that he was not an eye witness.

The body of Christ in Nigeria awaits the outcome of this spiritual case; the world waits to see how sincere and thorough the justice system will play out. But in all, God Almighty is watching to see the stand of the Churches in the uplifting of His glory in this generation!
Evangelist Phillips Eteng

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